Tips on juggling Valentine's Day + the Big Game

Valentine's Day and The Big Game

Valentine’s Day & Super Sunday - The BIG GAME

Are you asking yourself why the football Gods would play the Big Game one day before Valentine’s Day? How do you balance the # 1 love of your life (hopefully your significant other) and your #2 love (football)? Should it be against some law that there are 2 holidays on the same weekend? With some well-timed love and attention toward your mate, this top ten list will help you navigate this dilemma with ease.

  1. Start Applying Butter Now – Take this however you would like, but I am referring to the fact that it’s never too early to start buttering up your mate to allow for quality football time on Big Game Sunday. Most tips below reference back to Tip #1. Keep Reading!
  2. Shop Early – You need to have a dazzling gift for your husband or wife for sure, but how good is the game gonna be without chicken wings?Chocolate & flowers can be purchased anywhere, even on the 14th, but wings will sell out quickly as the Big Game approaches. Make sure your BBQ grill is full of tasty options on Sunday. Shop Early...and shop!
  3. Dinner On The Bye Week – Thursday, Feb 3, (the teams aren’t even in town yet) treat him/her to whatever she/he wants for dinner. Kids? No kids? Boys/Girls night out without you? Romantic night out without kids? Stay casual and romantic with whatever they want. The genius behind this - it's somewhat random, but you have planned just enough to make a memorable night! And, it is still 10 days until the game, so you aren’t really missing anything football related. You may find something you've been looking for...if you know what I mean...and I think you do!
  4. Netflix and Chill – Finally give in & agree to watch the show you have been despising, but they have been begging you to watch. Refer to Tip#1.
  5. Massages Get You Places – Who doesn’t love a neck & back massage? You should be doing this for them every day, but Big Game week is crunch time. Find the right time to give a quick 5 minute message. 20 minutes is even better! Repeat this as much as possible, especially as gameday gets closer.
  6. Saturday Night Dinner – Avoid busy restaurants that have no reservations on Valentine’s Day by booking now for Feb 11(Friday) or Feb 12 (Saturday). They will not be as busy and if it’s your husband or wife’s favorite place, they may be more understanding with your actions before, during, & after the game on Sunday. If you can double dip with a restaurant reservation on 2 of these nights, either your mate will be completely surprised, or sell one of the reservations and put it all on TAILS for the coin toss! (someone's gotta pay for all of this!)
  7. A Nice Hot Bath – If your significant other is not into football (or one hour before the game) draw a hot bubble bath for them to show how much you Love them. This is a great time to check on the wings or order those pizzas!
  8. Surprise Them Monday Morning – You’ve made it thru the Big Game Sunday night. Wake up early with your hangover Monday morning and cook breakfast for your mate.  This is a good start to Valentine’s Day and a great way to help them forget all of the yelling, eating, and not paying attention to them the day before.
  9. Be Grateful – Realize why you love the person you are with and appreciate them for who they are. That’s why you love them!! Even if they are not as excited as you about football.
  10. When In DoubtREFER TO TIP #9!!! And then maybe #1, #5, and all of the others!

I know you may be nervous on how to navigate 2 holidays in one weekend, but keep your focus and use the tips above as a reference.  When you get to the point with your decisions that you need to choose between the Big Game and your significant other for Valentine’s Day (and you will), I would recommend leaning toward Valentine’s Day.  The Big Game comes for 2 weeks each year.  You live with your partner for 52 weeks a year. 

If you have read all of this and you are still not sure what to do, all I can tell you is this.  I'm a happily married man in his 40's and have not missed a Big Game yet.  I think my wife is happy?